Iview for you v3
Iview for you v3

iview for you v3

Consideration is being given to taking some present dams out of service. Total reliance on electric energy is not cost-effective, because there are few opportunities to construct more dams, which provide the lowest cost electric energy. All forms of energy should be made available that are cost effective and do not significantly contribute to particulate and poison emissions. Solar energy is not cost-effective in our area. The focus of environment policy should be to cost-effectively reduce particulate and poison emissions into the air, land and waters, to sustain our natural resources for both consumption and outdoor recreation, and conserve endangered wildlife species to the extent feasible. Response to cyclical climate change should be to adjust to it, rather than trying to stop it. The contribution of mankind to the increase in carbon dioxide is negligible and any effort that has been proposed to reduce it will have insignificant impact on it and not be cost effective. Increases in carbon dioxide on the earth are cyclical and caused by the sun. If we eliminate carbon from the earth, there will be no more life. It is an essential food for the vegetation that helps to sustain us. I assume that the term Greenhouse Gasses refers to carbon dioxide. While I agree with some parts of this proposal, overall I oppose it, because it is based on faulty assumptions that are inconsistent with scientific data. Being you are new to the council and wish to make an impact on your community standing, please stop and consider your community that elected you. This appears to be a rush to join the crowd in Olympia and Washington DC. The focus on electricity is short sighted and detrimental to citizens of Pierce County.

Iview for you v3